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Thank you for being part of the Beta testing phase for! Your participation is invaluable as we work to enhance the platform for our users.

Platform Development: is currently under active development. We are continuously improving and adding features to provide you with the best possible experience.

Language Support: Our initial focus is on completing the contents in English. Once English content optimization is achieved, we will move forward to incorporate German language support. Your patience as we optimize our English content is greatly appreciated.

Content Generation and Review: We utilize AI algorithms to support content generation, which is still under review and refinement. As a result, there may be occasional errors in the content. Your understanding and feedback are crucial in this process. If you encounter anything suspicious or have suggestions for improvement, please don’t hesitate to report them to

Pro Membership: Currently, Pro Membership is open to everyone during the Beta phase. Please note that this may change in the future when we transition to a monetized model.

Once again, thank you for your participation and valuable feedback as we continue to develop Your support is instrumental in shaping the future of our platform.
